Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hey everypup ~Scooter here~

Mom decided the weather was warm enough that we had to take a BATH.  Can you tell how thrilled I was?
Wait 30 minutes and I will fluff out to Mars.

I give it 4 seconds until I spot something to bark at up in the trees.
We thought we misplaced the garage kitteh today.  We hadn't seen her in 2 days, and you can't judge by the food being eaten.  Seems there are other garage kittehs that visit us and party it up while we are sleeping.  They play with the catnip balls, eat OUR dog food (kibble crumbs everywhere) and eat garage kitteh food.  Although to be honest we should call her laundry kitteh, because she actually does sleep in the house...now that she is older.

Then Lucy kitteh popped up dirty from underneath where I'm standing up on the deck.  At this side of the deck there is no crawl room to get out on that side, so she was out the other end of the deck.  Mom says she has a future project to shore up the other side so that no more critters can crawl under the deck.  She also says Lucy kitteh is in big trouble for worrying her for no reason.  I think Lucy kitteh did something rude, like turn around and shake her bootie for statement.

Sniff at ya later ~Scooter~


  1. Glad Lucy kitteh are back! I gets a bath ev'ry udder day... so's it could be worse, ya know??
